Signs in the news
16 December 2013
On Thursday 12th December, Le Devoir ran a story about the Farine Five Roses sign which, over the past few years, has been quietly fixed up by ADM and Smuckers. Matt was briefly quoted in the article. This was followed on Friday by a segment on CBC TV News, featuring interviews with Dinu Bumbaru of ...
MSP interview on CBC Radio
8 December 2013
On Sunday morning, Dec 8th, Matt’s recently recorded interview with Sonali Karnick was broadcast on CBC Radio 1’s ‘All in a Weekend’. You can listen to the interview right here. ...
New MSP video featured on Concordia website
7 December 2013
Check out the new video about the Montreal Signs Project, created for the Concordia University homepage. ...
New acquisitions, more signs on display
31 August 2013
Lots of news at the MSP! We can finally report that Buywell and Dumoulin are now on the walls of the CJ building at Loyola, with Navarino soon to follow. We were also lucky enough to acquire a fabulous sign this past week (see above), thanks to plateau resident Léa Better: a handpainted, 18ft sign ...
MSP launch a huge success!
18 October 2010
On September 25th, we officially launched the Montréal Signs Project to coincide with the 45th anniversary celebrations for the Department of Communication Studies, where the collection is housed, and the alumni weekend. The event attracted about 200 visitors, including Mr. Gurmukh Masand, who was the maitre d’ at Bens Restaurant for 21 years; many members ...
Official launch
19 September 2010
The Montréal Signs Project will be officially launched on Saturday 25th September, 2010, during the Department of Communication Studies’ alumni weekend and 45th anniversary celebrations. This is an invitation-only event with over 200 confirmed participants. This week also marks the official launch of the MSP website. ...
Other signs
12 September 2010
There are several other signs in the MSP’s current collection which are not yet on display. These include: one side of the 1950s vertical marquee from the New Navarino Café in Mile End; an interior window sign for Buywell; one side of the vertical neon marquee for Dumoulin Bicyclettes; Jean-Guy Parenteau (a children’s clothing wholesaler ...
And they’re up!
8 June 2010
As reported in the Montreal Mirror, the signs are now on display in the CJ Building on the Loyola campus. Thanks especially to Graham Carr and Justin Powlowski for supporting the project from the outset, and to Henry Lemmetti for supervising the installation. A formal launch is scheduled for October. ...
Ça y est : elles sont affichées!
Comme l’a annoncé le Montreal Mirror, les enseignes sont maintenant exposées dans l’édifice CJ du campus Loyola. Remerciements particuliers à Graham Carr et Justin Powlowski pour leur appui au projet dès le début; et à Henri Lemmetti pour avoir supervisé l’installation. Un lancement officiel est prévu pour le mois d’octobre. ...